
Visual studio m1 mac
Visual studio m1 mac

I can believe that it is hard to implement, but when it works it is a huge benefit.

visual studio m1 mac

This has never worked well for me on Windows, though it is meant to do the same. You open the lid minutes, hours or days later, and it wakes. There is another thing that I like about the MacBook. I do not think Macs are completely immune (I had a Mac Mini where I upgraded the OS once too often and it crawled) but does seem to me more resistant. Windows, it seems to me, still suffers from the cruft problem beautifully described by Verity Stob 20 years ago. I realise that these problems do not occur with a new install of Windows and that I could pop out and buy a Surface laptop and it would be fine. Eventually it renames, but half the time the focus mysteriously switches to a different folder. I create a new folder, I rename it and press Enter. Another little issue is that creating a new folder works fine, but renaming it causes a long pause. In my case, sorting a large directory in Windows Explorer takes an age. What I do mind though is annoyances like the always-broken Windows search, and the way certain actions cause lengthy pauses that make me wonder what my PC is doing. I do not mind the Windows UI, I am used to it. It is more consistent because Apple managed iOS vs macOS sensibly whereas Microsoft made a hash of Windows desktop vs Windows CE vs Windows Phone vs Windows 8 and has now settled on a thing called WinUI but scratch the surface of Windows and you still find UI that has not changed for decades. I do not particularly prefer the macOS UI to that of Windows. Most of my work is writing, web browsing and coding. I have been happy with it but I do find myself thinking “why not just use the MacBook” when needing to fire up a computer, a subconscious preference that bears examination. My usual desktop PC is a few years old but a decent spec gaming PC withCore i7-7700 3.6 GHz, 16GB RAM and Nvidia RTX 2060 GPU.

visual studio m1 mac

I am not travelling as much as I did pre-lockdown, so although I got the Mac as a replacement for an ancient Windows laptop it gets used at home too. So I got an M1 MacBook Pro back in April and it is time for a quick brain dump on my experience.

Visual studio m1 mac